Extended Surface Minipleat Filter
The Koch MicroMAX is an extended surface minipleat filter designed for use in a wide variety ofair filtration systems. The MicroMAX offers a unique combination of high efficiency and low pressure dropmaking it the ideal filter for use in any standard HVAC system.
The added advantages of its compact 4” depth and lightweight-yet-rigid construction also give theMicroMAX unsurpassed capability to perform in more specialized and difficult applications.
Standard Applications
- Hospitals
- Industrial Plants
- Commercial Buildings
- Universities
- Pharmaceutical Facilities
- Sports Arenas
Extreme Applications
- Gas Turbines
- Variable-Air-Volume-Sstems
- High Humidity / High Moisture Areas
Specialized Applications
- Diffusion Filters for Automotive Paint Spray Booths
- Prefilters for HEPA filters in Clean Rooms and other critical areas
Dual Density Filter Media
The media used in MicroMAX minipleat filters is composed of microfiberglass paper, treated with a specially-formulated, water-repllent binder. Millions of fibers are constructed into a Graded Density mat, with coarse fibers upstream and finer fibers on theair-exiting side. This dual-density insures full media utilization,which results in higher dust holding capacity and extended filter life.Also available with antimicrobial-treated media.
- Minipleat Design
- BeverageBoardorMetalFrame
- ThreeEfficiencyRanges
- 90-95%(MERV14)
- 80-85%(MERV13)
- 60-65%(MERV11)
- Compact4″ Depth
- LightweightConstruction